Limited Editions and Custom Chocolates - Eos Chocolates
  • Limited Editions and Custom Chocolates - Eos Chocolates
  • Limited Editions and Custom Chocolates - Eos Chocolates
  • Limited Editions and Custom Chocolates - Eos Chocolates
  • Limited Editions and Custom Chocolates - Eos Chocolates

is currently backordered. You may still purchase it now but we won't be able to ship it until it becomes available again.

Our exclusive limited edition chocolate barks are all made out of 70% fair trade cacao and then upgraded with various mix-in ingredients. We specialize in chocolate almonds and barks sweetened with freeze dried fruits such as blueberries, lemons, grapes and raspberries.

For the special someone in your life, we have created a limited edition chocolate bark filled with organic strawberries and sprinkled with gold and silver. 

To order custom chocolate barks and almonds, contact us at to place your order or write us a note at checkout.